Bismillahirrahmanirrahim .
Alhamdulillah . It's 23rd June and I'm already 19th .
So to those yg wish thanks so much .
You guys made my day .
I'm happy as it is because I spent it with my lord 1st .
It just occurring to me to do that but when I did it , all the sad emotions went away .
Like He blessed me . And I suddenly felt He loved me like , soooooo much .
Mannn , I'm the happiest person in this world .
Feels like I wanted to tell everyone He loves me . I'm touched . And very grateful .
I wanted to change for good like , so badly .
So this is all my wishes .
I wish :
I become closer to
Allah through the days I'm getting older .
I will become
stronger no matter how hard the test after this .
I will become a
Mukmin which is hard to achieve
but with God will it's not impossible .
I will be patient
though how badly people hurt me .
I will be that
stupid lurus bendul ieqa if that
would prevent me from hurting others .
I just want to be
good enough .
I want to clean my
heart from the previous sins I committed .
I wish I could fight all the temptation that could make me
commit sins and getting far from Him .
O' Allah , for the
day I was born ,
please grant me my wishes . Ameen .
I love you and
will always do . InsyaAllah . :'))