Well , it almost 2 weeks for me being in KMS (Kolej Matrikulasi Selangor) . 1 week for orientasi . and 1 week for studying . It's a bit hard for me to catch up everything since I don't have the basic in Accounting . But most of the lecturers said , mostly , the student who from sc. course got 4 flat . So we don't have to worry . And hopefully I'm gonna be one of them . Now that I'm in matriks , I can't just being lazy since it's kind of what we called 'sengit' babe . Whatever it takes , I need to get 4 flat to achieve my dream study oversea or at least being in most wanted university .
Ouh yea , saya pen. ketua praktikum . Klau ada rezeki , aku nak tubuhkan kelab fotografi . Tp mcm busy . takut tak tbawak . so , tgok laa nty cmne . Dormmate okay , belaja quite okay . Cuma sini panas sikit . Tp dah biasa . So okay laa . That's all lah kot . Library ni pung nak tutup dah . Aku rindu sepintar babe . Kat sini , sume laen gilaa . Situation tak brp islamic . And I miss all of that so much . Sini kene study sendiri . Wuu . Okay laa . Nak blar . Nak stay up . Huahuahua . xD Thanks people . Gdbye .