Alhamdulillah , praise to Allah for gave me what I really want .
Well , actually I had a thought of changing the course so at first I was hoping to get Asasi kat UIA ke kan . But then , come to think of it , I do remember , back then when I was doing the research for the course , the lecturer of actuarial sc told me , It's really competitive to get this course . And they only select about 100 students . and I still remember back then , when other peoples were listening to the lecturer (seems like ramai gilaa yg nak) , how I really really want it , put a high hope on it and Alhamdulillah I was one of the chosen ones . When I realised it , I was like , Omaigodd . I'm about to cry okay . Sayang gilaa kat Allah . :')
So antara Melaka and Perak laa kan . Wishing that aku dapat Perak punye campus . Alaa , memane jelaa yg tbaek utk aku . InsyaAllah . Sok baru tahu dapat kat mana . Alhamdulillah Ya Allah . So I will study harder to prove to my parents that I can do it and to appreciate the chance that Allah gave me . Terharu sangat2 . :')
p.s : sorry ayat mcm gilaa + tak betul sikit .