So I would like to introduce the whole world (bajet orang baca)
to a guy who had been with me through thick and thin . :)
Muhammad Aiman Bin Abd Khair .
He helped me a lot ,
listened to every story that I had to tell ,
being my crying shoulder ,
gave me strength to get through all the probs ,
made me smile , LMAO , LOL and whatever it is .
How I appreciated it so much . Thanks bro . :)
Though we've been friend for not too long ,
Though I tried so many times to break this friendship ,
Though we always fought over small things ,
Though you made me cry so many times ,
Though you hurt me a lot ,
(kawan jenis apa tah :P)
Seems like there's no ending for this friendship
but for it to become stronger .
And there's no way I can hate you
(menyampah ada lah kan :P)
because you're my best friend , dude .
Thanks for everything ,
thanks for even let me be your best friend . :)
I'll never forget you too .
(aku tahu aku baik , kau je jahat :P)
Aku sayang kau gila gila kawan :')
comel gila doe . bhahaha .
buncit tak sedar diri . :P
aku sayang gila dekat kau , kawan .
Ingat , kau tak boleh ade kawan baik lain .
aku tak peduli . HAHA . :P